Un ménage à trois qui porte ses fruits

On est bien d’accord que le ménage à trois (ou plus) suscite généralement interrogations et indignations, du moins au Liban. Néanmoins, au sein de ce débat sans fin, il existe des dynamiques ‘poly’ qui s’avèrent être des success stories. C’est le cas notamment de la collaboration fructueuse entre Eastline Digital, vit-e et MV Santé Vision.

MV Santé Vision est leader dans la correction des troubles de la vision en Suisse Romande, avec à son actif plus de 20,000 yeux opérés ces 10 dernières années, une équipe de chirurgiens ophtalmologues expérimentés, et un matériel à la pointe de la technologie et en exclusivité dans la région.

Basée à Beyrouth depuis 2006, Eastline Digital est la première agence indépendante fondée au Liban dédiée au marketing digital, et une des pionnières dans les régions du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord. L’agence est lauréate de plus de 42 prix locaux et internationaux, et compte dans son portfolio plus de 550 clients dans 32 pays.



vit-e branding & digital crée et redynamise les marques grâce aux pouvoirs de la pensée conceptuelle et de la communication visuelle créative, de solutions sur mesure, d’une expérience client hors pair, de la perspective adaptée aux besoins de chaque projet et de la contextualisation. Fondée à Beyrouth en 2000, vit-e compte déjà à son actif plus de 500 clients à travers 27 pays, dont des multinationales, des institutions et des entreprises.

Pour MV Santé Vision, Eastline Digital s’occupa de mettre en place une stratégie de communication digitale holistique laquelle se révéla être un ajout capital aux dispositifs de communication de cette entreprise. Eastline assura – et continue de le faire – à MV Santé Vision une visibilité digitale optimale, en offrant des services innovants de création de contenu, de promotion, de sensibilisation, d’information, d’interaction contextualisée, d’engagement et de conversion.



Quant à vit-e, celle-ci s’occupa de la stratégie et de l’identité de marque de MV Santé Vision, de la conception de supports marketing imprimés, de l’UX Design – Expérience Utilisateur – et l’UI Design – Interface Utilisateur – du site-web, ainsi que du design de stands d’exposition polyvalents.



Grâce à un dialogue en mode continu entre ces trois entités, à la diversité des talents et à une expertise pointue, les plateformes et espaces créés pour MV Santé Vision offrent une expérience se démarquant de la masse, puisque celle-ci est le fruit de l’interculturalité et de la recherche de l’unité dans la diversité des solutions au-delà de visions limitées du possible. La relation MV Santé Vision/Eastline Digital/vit-e comporte un engagement consistant à déterminer au quotidien des objectifs mutuels, à se partager les responsabilités, les ressources et les récompenses, à oeuvrer ensemble à concrétiser une perspective commune, et à intégrer trois enjeux que les marketers et communicants se doivent de relever: la vision stratégique, le savoir-être digital et la production d’un contenu toujours plus créatif en misant sur trois valeurs essentielles – la proximité, la spontanéité et l’authenticité.

De Beyrouth, Eastline Digital au service du marché francophone du marketing digital

Basée à Beyrouth depuis 2006, Eastline Digital est la première agence indépendante fondée au Liban dédiée au marketing digital, et une des pionnières dans les régions du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord. L’agence est lauréate de plus de 42 prix locaux et internationaux, et compte dans son portfolio plus de 550 clients dans 32 pays, dont les pays francophones.

Un projet récent est celui de MV Santé Vision, leader de la chirurgie réfractive en Suisse Romande. Grâce à une stratégie de communication digitale développée sur mesure laquelle se révèle être progressivement un ajout capital aux dispositifs de communication de cette entreprise, Eastline Digital lui assure une visibilité digitale optimale, un ciblage plus pertinent du public romand, et lui offre des services innovants de promotion, de sensibilisation, d’information, d’interaction, d’engagement et de conversion.

Le marketing digital est en pleine expansion dans le monde francophone. Nombreuses sont les entreprises françaises, québécoises, belges, suisses et autres qui trouvent nécessaire et même obligatoire de mener des stratégies et des actions de marketing digital afin d’être compétitives sur le marché francophone. La langue française est notamment de rigueur et les lignes éditoriales s’adaptent aux tournures de phrases, accents et cultures de chaque milieu. En effet, pour MV Santé Vision, la création de contenu écrit requiert une localisation linguistique et culturelle pour chaque post sur les réseaux sociaux. Utiliser ’10/10′ au lieu de ’20/20′ et ‘santé de la vision’ au lieu de ‘santé visuelle’ ne sont que deux exemples parmi tant d’autres expressions à utiliser en contexte romand.

Eastline Digital œuvre dans ce sens, en offrant des services professionnels, complets, éthiques, innovants, rentables et de qualité exceptionnelle en français contextualisé dans les domaines du marketing des médias sociaux, du référencement payant (SEA), de l’optimisation des moteurs de recherche, de la publicité en ligne et du marketing d’influence (e-PR). En outre, Eastline Digital assure une compréhension holistique de chaque marque, de l’industrie ciblée et de la concurrence en son sein.

Grâce à cette compréhension, à une expérience solide, à la diversité des talents et à une expertise pointue, Eastline Digital crée des espaces de communication et d’action-réponse mesurables favorisant l’engagement, le dialogue, la conversion et la fidélité, et aide ainsi les marques à se démarquer de la masse, à devenir des pôles de référence dans un environnement numérique en évolution continue, et à atteindre les objectifs commerciaux requis.

L’entreprise ou l’organisation qui survit est celle dont l’offre est à la hauteur des promesses publicitaires, et qui sait mettre en avant ses produits, services et compétences grâce à un partenariat fiable avec une agence capable de contribuer à la valorisation de son image de marque et à sa pérennité, ainsi qu’à la satisfaction de ses clients. Un des objectifs majeurs d’EastlineDigital est notamment d’adopter et d’adapter une stratégie marketing centrée sur le client/consommateur et focalisée sur les segments clients à forte valeur ajoutée, vu qu’actuellement, l’avis subjectif du client/consommateur sur un produit ou un service, l’identification des opportunités de croissance et le retour sur investissement positif comptent autant – si ce n’est plus – que les caractéristiques intrinsèques liées au produit/service.

L’entreprise ou l’organisation qui n’est pas centrée sur le client/consommateur court le risque de voir celui-ci rejoindre des concurrents offrant des produits/services similaires et de meilleures expériences d’achat. De là l’importance de créer une expérience unique pour le client/consommateur et d’opter pour le partenaire expert en marketing digital qui contribue à la proposer. Il n’est pas rare de voir des entreprises s’occuper elles-mêmes de la communication digitale, mais beaucoup n’ont ni les connaissances, ni le temps ou l’expérience nécessaires pour définir une stratégie adéquate, choisir les bons supports et mettre en oeuvre les moyens d’atteindre leurs objectifs. Elles font donc appel à des agences spécialisées.

Faites le bon choix… Contactez Eastline Digital !

Can Social Media Affect Your SEO Ranking?

Despite the fact that search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo! don’t consider social media signals as a direct factor for website rankings, experience proves that social media is a powerful tool for leveraging your SEO if used with common sense and best practices.

So how can you improve your SEO ranking through your social media presence?

Create quality content that can go viral

Having a high-quality post linking to your website on Facebook or Twitter that generates engagement and social sharing by influencers and content creators, can contribute to increased visibility on search engines as this will speed up your content’s indexation. Apart from that, social sharing leads to longer content life, something that search engines simply love.

Keywords, keywords, keywords

Make your content keyword-centric and ensure a dual content strategy between your social media posts and your website’s pages; but don’t overdo it. It’s crucial that your content remains as human as possible, making it sound natural and organic.

Social media profiles rank high in search

Your social profiles definitely influence the content of your search results and they are often amongst the top results in search listings for brand names. Therefore, make sure you own the names on the top channels, but most importantly, let them be active.

Make some room for Google+

Google+ is a social media platform too – often forgotten by marketers. It goes without saying that search engine rankings, or Google rankings to be exact, are directly affect by your Google+ activity, so make sure you populate your Google+ profile with proper content.

Curate on user-generated content

Encourage your fans and followers to share their opinion by commenting and submitting reviews and testimonials. Not only will this help you better understand their needs, it can also give you a better insight on the type of words they use in order to tweak your content’s keywords. Not to forget, the more your brand is mentioned, the higher your chances are in increasing your visibility on search engines.

To sum it up, while social media does not have a direct impact on SEO, it is something that should not be neglected. Just think about the positive effects that increased traffic from social can potentially have on your search rankings. Social media and SEO are more powerful when used together, so why miss the chance to leverage your efforts?

5 Social Media Trends To Keep In Mind For 2017

featured-imageDigital marketing in general, and social media in particular, has been evolving rapidly and becoming crucial to any brand looking to stand out and be noticed amid the crowd.

“Social media is not just a spoke on the wheel of marketing. It’s becoming the way entire bicycles are built.” – Ryan Lilly, author.

Social media’s evolution has been growing exponentially and it’s important to keep up with the trends, which is why we have put together a list of things to look out for when working on your 2017 digital strategy.

Live video

The rise of Snapchat, Periscope and Facebook Live has changed the way we share our stories and offered a real way to engage with an audience in real-time. While this trend is still in its early stages, market research studies have found that more and more viewers are moving from TV to social, which will push broadcast stations to consider developing a solid digital livestreaming strategy for the years to come. Brands will have to bring out their A game to stand out in this area and attain high exposure; and the competition has already started to get hot and heavy. Take a look at Paco Rabanne’s interactive Facebook Live game for example: https://www.facebook.com/Million/

Video Content

If you haven’t included video in your digital strategy yet, now is the time to do so. Video content has proven to be a successful component in any digital marketing strategy due to its interactive nature. Not only does video allow you to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty, it also leads to positive ROI compared to regular social media posts and blog posts.

Expiring Content

Snapchat has paved the way and raised the bar for the expiring content trend, which led most of its competitors to “borrow” this feature. Consumers are attracted to the idea of having exclusive access to disappearing content, and a limited timeframe in which they consume this content. It will be interesting to see how creative brands can get in adopting this tactic in 2017!

User Generated Content

One of the most important things for a brand to do is to keep its content as human and personalized as possible to build trust with fans. And what better way to do that than to let your community do your work for you? Your fans will get their 15 minutes of fame, and you will collect content for your digital strategy at zero cost, all the while increasing engagement on your social networks. Sounds like the perfect win-win situation, doesn’t it?

Mobile First

This may not come as a surprise to many, especially when mobile traffic is greatly exceeding desktop traffic, with more than 90% of consumers owning a smartphone. It’s important to take mobile into consideration when working on your content, and optimize it for mobile, especially when it comes to having a responsive website that Google considers “mobile friendly”.

A new era begins for Facebook

As Facebook F8, the company’s annual developers’ conference, comes to an end, it’s time for us to go over the major changes the social network is bringing to the table.

Messenger as a platform

Arguably the most important and most discussed new feature announced at F8 was Messenger. It has gone from app to platform, allowing developers to integrate their own application inside it. Do you see the three little dots next to the microphone? Tap them and you’ll discover an array of GIF makers, voice modifiers and a lot more fun things to play around with, but the best is yet to come as non-featured apps will soon make their way into you smartphone.

Messenger for businesses

While we’re on Messenger, there is now a new feature dedicated to businesses that will allow direct interaction between brands and customers. When a user gets to the checkout page of a website, he will be prompted to use Messenger to fulfill his purchase, allowing the customer service to use the messaging platform to confirm orders, track deliveries and provide direct support.

360 Video

With the release of Oculus VR approaching, Facebook is preparing its social platform to embrace the change. It will soon support a new format: 360 videos. It will allow users to virtually navigate around a room or given space within their news feed.

Parse gets involved in the internet of things

About two years ago, Facebook bought Parse, a mobile app development platform. This year, Parse will release new tools to help developers make apps that interact with connected objects without having to worry about the backend too much. The SDKs will handle app analytics, sending push notifications to people at the right time, and collecting crash data.

Embeddable videos

Facebook is going all out on video, and for a good reason: the platform generates 3Bn views daily. In a grand face-punch to YouTube, the social platform will now allow users to embed videos anywhere with a single line of code. This is a powerful move that will drastically increase the number of views and definitely impact videos advertising on the long run.

App analytics

Facebook wants you to know your users better. It probably also wants to benefit from the data your app can generate. Regardless, the company has developed a tool that allows developers to gather behavioral analytics, measure how people use their app and improve their marketing campaigns.

How Eastline Marketing Accelerated the Largest Startup Conference in the Region

Last year, Banque Du Liban unveiled Circular 331, a new initiative that allows banks to use a $400,000,000 fund to act as investors for startups in Lebanon. In order to educate these young companies on how to make it big and learn more about the circular, Banque du Liban (BDL) organized the largest startup conference in the region: BDL Accelerate. But how to raise awareness, attract 2,000 quality attendees (entrepreneurs, investors, and more) and over 80 partners on such short notice?

This was our cue. We came up with a simple but extremely efficient strategy that involved four platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a blog. We were able to generate interest and excitement by providing high-value content across the board. We posted daily on all platforms and built up to the event by using in-depth profiles of our speakers, Q&As, and informative pots about the partners. We promoted Tweets and launched 5 Google and Facebook advertising campaigns, spanning 32 countries, generating 14 Million impressions and 144,000 clicks. We were using #Accelerate2014 as the dedicated hashtag for the campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


During the campaign, we posted on a daily basis. We talked about software and social media, showcased our blog posts, advertised the event… But we didn’t stop there! During the two days of the event, we posted 622 pictures, gathering over 9,320 likes and reaching 1,002,255 users. In the end, the page exceeded 21,000 likes from over 30 countries, had close to 400 shares, and 342 comments.


Twitter was a challenge because creating a community takes quite some time. However, by tweeting 6-10 times a day until the event and then providing an extensive live coverage of the event, we gathered over 9,300 followers. We tweeted 656 times and gathered a total of 1.7 Million impressions, 835 favorites, and 905 retweets. With 1215 mentions, #Accelerate2014, our dedicated hashtag, was at the top of the “Trending” list for Lebanon during the two days of the event.


Without any kind of media and very little time, Instagram was a real challenge for us. We warmed up before the event by posting about our speakers, redirecting users to the blog for more info. When came live coverage time, the engagement went through the roof. We ended up posting 33 videos and 143 images in total, gathering 166 followers.


With over 70,000 visits, the average time on site reached an impressive 2.52 seconds and the registration count exceeded 1,800. The blog itself accounted for 1,000 visits on 48 posts and tackled topics such as the speakers, Q&As, the partners, live coverage, and more. It helped us bring value and insight to our audience before the event, which generated a lot of interest.

It was a pleasure and a great opportunity for Eastline Marketing to work on this project. We are proud to participate in the development of the regional startup ecosystem. The results have exceeded the client’s wildest expectations and we are looking forward to next year’s edition!

BCL Accelerate Infographic

BDL Accelerate Infographic

EyeEm vs Instagram

Instagram VS EyeEmAs Instagram introduces paid advertising and is way beyond the 130 million users mark, EyeEm take their 10 million users as well as photo-sharing to another direction.

1 – The common points

Both Instagram and EyeEm are photo-sharing apps. The principle is the same: snap or upload a picture, choose a filter and a frame, post with hashtags. Beyond that, the two platforms don’t have much in common, starting with the format…

2- Picture format

Instagram is well-known for the Instamatic-like square format. It is a trademark and doesn’t change. However, EyeEm gives more freedom to the user by letting him/ her upload pictures in any format they want. Instagram’s restriction forces creativity while EyeEm’s freedom lets the artist in you let loose.

3- Filters and frames

While Instagram lets you choose between 19 different filters, each of which has a dedicated (or no) frame, EyeEm separated the two. You can choose between 17 different filters and match them with any of the 12 proposed frames. This gives you more freedom to bring out the desired effect out of your pictures and make them your own.

4- Search, albums and categories

Instagram’s search is simple: you can look for hashtags and users. The news feed only shows pictures from users you follow, and the “most popular” page shows you what pictures are getting the most likes in the shortest amount of time. It doesn’t go beyond that, which is perfect for a simple experience. EyeEm on the other hand features automatic tagging (including geotagging) and places your pictures in albums depending on the subject and the tags on your picture (maximum 4). When you sign up on EyeEm, you are asked to choose your topics of interest. Whenever you’ll open the app, you will greeted by a selection of albums relevant to these topics. This allows a more explorative approach with a real purpose of discovery, guided by themes and interests.

5- Contests

While both apps run contests, EyeEm has a clear edge here. Instagram has communities running contests and they appeal only to those who are part of said communities. EyeEm on the other hand sends private message to all users informing them of global challenges and competitions. They sometimes partner up with other companies (last one was with Blablacar, a carpooling platform) and use this to create the theme of the contest.

6- The future for Instagram

Belonging to Facebook and having a gargantuan user database, Instagram is ripe for advertising and in fact has already started monetizing services. Some brand are using it to advertise in the form of accounts, others (the select few) have the chance to sponsor posts. As brands get used to the Instagram way of advertising, the feature will become available to a greater number of applicants.

7- The future for EyeEm

Created by a photographer, for photographers, EyeEm has a different vision for its users. Here is the scoop: If a designer/ brand/ ad agency/ other likes a picture of yours, they can send a request to buy it. EyeEm gets 50% and you make money off your photography without having to be a pro or own professional gear. This service is the first of its kind and will revolutionize the world of stock photography by providing a mobile, in-app stock of user-generated photos.

If you look at the bigger picture, you will find Instagram to be a great tool for marketing and simple, social user experience whereas EyeEm appeals more to the aspiring photographer and photography lovers. Both are great for sharing pictures and getting in touch with others who share the same interest, but where Instagram encourages simplicity, EyeEm pushes creativity and discovery.

How Vines Can do Wonders for your Local Business

About a year ago, Twitter took social media by storm with the release of their video-sharing app Vines, on Android and iOS. Today, we show you how you can engage your consumers more efficiently with this game-changing application.

1- Act it out

First things first: Vines’ main purpose is fun. It gets people to show 6 second-long slices of life so they have to make them count, and so do you. As a company, your opportunity here is to make your audience engage in a personal way. It gives them a chance to create a relationship with your business that doesn’t rely on sales, but on storytelling. With a good Vines contest, you can broaden your audience and engage them to have fun with the brand, making it memorable for them.

2- Generate wide exposure

With Vine, users can share their video on other platforms straight from the app. This means they can create Vines, share them on Twitter and Facebook instantly with your hashtag and link, which will tie the user-generated content with your page or campaign. It allows better customer experience and guarantees higher exposure. It’s up to you to make your customers want to Vine with you.



3- Be original

Vine has no editing option or filter, just press your screen and it records so it’s easy to cut and start again. In other words, you can make stop motion and use editing tricks for more humorous or surprising clips. You can make product demos, talk about your brand history (see GAP’s history of denim) or simply stunning mini clips to fit an event, but don’t forget to tailor your execution to the occasion. Speaking of which…

4- Hit the trends

A great example of Vine usage in contextual communication is Dunkin Donuts’ Superbowl campaign. They recreated the greatest moments of this year’s edition with their paper cups, sometimes prompting their audience to guess the game in which the action took place, with the hashtag #DunkinReplay. Dunkin Donuts engaged customers with a game and hit a trending topic, making their hashtag relevant and interesting to the American audience. What trend can your business use to reach its audience using local and/ or current events?

5- It’s free

So go ahead, enjoy!

Have you ever used Vines for online marketing? Tell us about your experience in the comment section.

Marketing with Twitter Chats

Marketing with Twitter Chats

If you’re looking to widen your audience and generate leads, Twitter chats can be a strong tool to boost your marketing outcomes.

Twitter chats are open and moderated conversations that use a significant hashtag for a certain topic, ie: #ChatWithEastline or #ELMchat, where participants usually filter conversations based on the hashtag to easily follow the chat.

Include a Twitter chat in your marketing strategies to help you reach your followers and their followers. A successful chat can introduce you to hundreds of potential leads.

Below are six ways Twitter chats can help you reach a bigger audience and enhance brand awareness:

1- Use Crowd Sourcing For Content Ideas

Collect information and opinions from a lot of people at once as you ask chatters about their needs and wants. Don’t forget to take notes and finally use their input to give them what they want.

2- Get New Leads

Answer questions, provide useful information and engage with your followers. Promote your upcoming Twitter chat to appeal to a bigger audience. Attract new leads by hosting a general themed fun Twitter chat, include giveaways or tackle a common problem and show your knowledge.

3- Build Your Social Reach

Twitter chats are a great way to leverage your existing followers as a successful one attracts a large group of tweeps whose followers are watching the conversation. When fans share your content or product, they’re giving it their approval, which will have their friends considering your brand when they’re ready to take action.

4- Create a Community Through Live Tweets

At in-person events, try live tweeting and invite your followers to join the event’s hashtag and share their ideas and opinions about the topic at hand.

5- Monitor Your Success

Track your Twitter chat successes from the first day as when you determine the popularity of your guests, topics, questions, interactions and hashtag, you can determine what appeals to your followers.

Use the evaluated data to determine successful topics and important ideas to your participants, and use that information to create follow-up content.

6- Increase Your Knowledge

Participating in industry Twitter chats is another way to network locally and internationally, expand your contacts base and discover and discuss “holes” in the industry.

Building a Powerful Twitter Community with Influencers

TwitterUsing Twitter to boost your company’s growth is about building a community of followers who relate to your industry and who will eventually develop a passion for your brand.

Finding connectors, thought leaders or industry experts and building relationships with them is vital as it’s the quickest and easiest way to build a significant Twitter community.

1- Discover influencers in your network

Use Followerwonk [ https://followerwonk.com ] to check out your current Twitter followers ranked by the platform’s statistic called ‘social authority’, which is based on the retweet rate of users’ latest few hundred tweets, the recentness of those tweets and a retweet-based model trained on user profile data.

2- Learn your competition’s connections

Twitter’s transparency makes competitive research super-accessible and your competitors’ networks are most likely to include influencers who are directly related to your business. Find these connectors on Followerwonk but this time using your competitors’ handles.

3- Look for influencers in your niche

You can use Followerwonk’s ‘social authority’ to guide you through this process but keep in mind that you have to zero in on the tweep’s emphasis as people who are involved in what you do will best fit your community.

Start off by building a list of 15 to 20 people who would be fit to nurture a relationship with.

4- Follow and interact with tweeps

Building your community requires you to focus on the conversations you have. Keep in mind that replying directly to a person will only show up in their timeline and the timelines of people you both follow, so include your response in a retweet, which will reach a greater number of users.

5- Track your influencers’ posts and mentions by setting up alerts

Use tools like Google Alerts [ http://www.google.com/alerts ] and Fresh Web Explorer [http://moz.com/tools/fresh-web-explorer ] to dig up where your industry influencers share their thoughts and opinions outside of Twitter and shine the light on them by sharing on Twitter a good article they’ve written.

6- Add value outside of Twitter

Now that you’ll be aware whenever connectors you follow are mentioned across the web, you’re able to point people’s attention to their relevant resources and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with them.

Share their stories, comment on their blogs and give them a helping hand whenever it’s possible as this will increase the chances you have at them being receptive to what you have to say later on.