The Story of Eastline Digital: Marc Dfouni
One of the early
pioneers of digital marketing provides insight on the digital
scene in Lebanon and expands into new horizons….
مارك دفوني: 5 أسباب تتيح للبنان أن يكون وجهة جيدة لتأسيس الأعمال
في العام 2006، بدأنا بالعمل في لبنان، وفي تلك الفترة، كانت خدمة الانترنت سيئة للغاية. أما خلال أول سنتين، فكان نشاطنا مقتصرا في الأساس على كندا. وفي العام 2008، أي عندما بدأ “فيسبوك” بالانتشار في لبنان، أصبح اللبنانيون يستخدمون الانترنت من أجل الولوج الى “فيسبوك” بالدرجة الأولى، وبسبب هذا الأمر، بدأ مفهوم إدارة وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية والتسويق بالظهور، ومن هنا انطلقنا وافتتحنا سوقا لخدماتنا في لبنان. وفي العام 2009، توسعنا نحو الخليج بأكمله، واليوم لدينا مكتبا في دبي وفي لبنان
Startups vs. big enterprise: The David and Goliath of the business world
“SMEs and startups, especially in Lebanon,
have the flexibility to innovate at a faster pace than large
companies due to less bureaucracy and elastic budget,” Marc
Dfouni, co-founder of Eastline Marketing and one of the first
independent digital marketing agencies in Lebanon, told Annahar.
What a Digital Difference a Decade can Make
It’s only been 25 years since Tim
Berners-Lee made the World Wide Web available to the public;
during that time, the Internet had become an integral part of
everyday life for most of the world’s population.
Nemr Badine et Marc Dfouni célèbrent les 10 ans d’Eastline Digital
Dix ans après le lancement
d’Eastline Digital, Marc Dfouni et Nemr Badine font partie des
pionniers de la publicité en ligne au Moyen-Orient. Aujourd’hui,
ils souhaitent s’étendre à de nouveaux marchés dont l’Iran.
« Nous y avons déjà fait plusieurs voyages et nous y avons vu un
écosystème en plein développement », disent-ils.
Jad Bou Chebl on Digital Marketing
brands in the region becoming increasingly comfortable with
social media and digital advertising on the whole? Read Jab Bou
Chebl – Senior Project Manager at Eastline’s view.
Jennifer Kanaan: 5 Ways MENA Brands Can Engage Customers on Snapchat
Snapchat is growing fast worldwide and even
faster in the Arab world. In 2014, it was the fastest growing
social media app, achieving a growth rate of 56% between the
first and the third quarter of the year. The fascination with
Snapchat continues as the platform is said to be nearing 200
million active users, with 81% of its users aged between 13 and
24 years old.
Revolutionising the Digital Ad Space
Over the last decade, we’ve seen
advertising agencies rapidly shift towards digital
communication, yet they haven’t fully embraced the power
of interactivity. This is why Eastline Marketing, a leading
digital agency, has come up with a truly innovative solution:
Social Ads.
Caught in a Crossfire
Marc Dfouni, CEO and managing partner at
digital agency Eastline Marketing, gives a very concrete example
of that sad, albeit usual, state of play: his company has lost
four employees to Dubai in the past year. Dfouni anticipates a
couple of more losses from now until the end of the year.
“This problem is getting worse every year. The retention
of these people is not an internal or a motivational problem,
but mainly a political one,” he says….
Jennifer Kanaan: My Accounts are an Extension of Myself!
Like most of us who were swept by the social
media marketing wave, Jennifer Kanaan, who now works as the
Social Media Manager at Eastline Marketing…
Social Media Strategies
Social media is becoming integral to
marketing plans. New strategies are being adopted to optimize
its impact for companies or brands. According to Marc Dfouni,
CEO of Eastline Marketing, an online marketing agency, social
media is no longer the question.
Eastline Marketing defying harsh economic conditions
Eastline Marketing defying harsh economic
Digital Marketing in the KSA
Since 2008, Eastline Marketing has been
helping brands connect consumers using a full array of digital
marketing services supported by a proprietary technology
platform and a unique market intelligence database focused on
the Arab region…
Learning the Easy Way
Born to take heart and build their dreams,
entrepreneurs often embark on perilous and harsh journeys…
E-Marketing: More for Less
companies increased their spending on Internet advertising from
two percent of their marketing budget in 2008 to 13 percent in
2012, according to Eastline marketing,an online marketing
Downside of Facebook Promotions, a Slippery Slope
Hello Facebook changes, hello competition
disasters and newsfeed spamming…
Playing the Virtual Game
ArabAd met with Eastline Marketing, an A-Z online agency, to discuss the various strategies being employed with the aim of adding value to any brand that crosses their way.
8 Low Cost Ways to Reboot Your Business
In tough economic times it’s sometimes hard to see the silver lining. But according to Marc Dfouni, CEO of Eastline Marketing (a digital marketing agency) it’s a time for companies to take advantage of the situation — especially when…
Une application mobile en 48 heures chrono
… Certains compétiteurs avaient déjà participé à des événements antérieurs organisés par Touch ou Altcity. D’autres comme l’équipe de Lakta (offres de promotions en ligne de boutiques) composée de Majed Traboulsi, 27 ans, et Mohammad el-Amine, 23 ans, s’est décidée à participer la veille du Hackaton. Tous deux sont développeurs à Eastline [Marketing], une agence de marketing online. « Ce Hackaton est le meilleur moyen d’apprendre et de parler de notre application à des personnes-clés », témoigne Majed Traboulsi…
Les médias sociaux, nouvel eldorado des entreprises ?
L’explosion des réseaux sociaux suscite la
convoitise des entreprises qui y voient une plateforme idéale
pour véhiculer leurs messages… « Le pays est longtemps
resté à la traîne, d’autant plus que les connexions étaient très
lentes et que les entreprises ne prenaient pas l’Internet au
sérieux. Puis les choses ont progressé », confirment à
L’Orient-Le Jour Nemr Nicolas Badine et Marc Dfouni,
cofondateurs de la compagnie de conseil en marketing numérique,
Eastline Marketing…
Entrepreneurs of the Week: Marc Dfouni and Nemr Badine from Eastline Marketing
More than 15 years after starting
up Eastline Marketing, a digital media agency based in Beirut,
today’s Entrepreneurs of the Week, co-founders Marc Dfouni
and Nemr Badine, share the most important lessons and insights
they’ve acquired throughout the years…
The top 20 Lebanese entrepreneurs
Lebanese with entrepreneurial spirit and a
business idea are no longer left to their own devices. Locally,
they can find an incubator willing to provide a place to work
from and assist them through mentorship and support…
Business Leaders Get Tech Savvy With Digital Media Strategies
experts in advertising and online content from the Middle East
and Europe gathered in Beirut Wednesday to show how companies
can take business to the next level through better digital
On The Slack Track
In the
wrong hands, bigger online budgets may fail to materialize into
market growth. No doubt, the Lebanese digital advertising market
is set back by a relatively small online population. But beyond
this sad reality, there’s a lot the industry could do to move
forward confidently, faster…
Social Media is Business: Virtual Reach, Real Profits
Businesses are wising up to the enormous
possibilities afforded by the strategic use of social media.
Naturally Selected: Lebanese firm opens doors to a new world of advertising
To say
that Internet and social media usage in the Middle East and
North Africa is expanding exponentially has become a truism of
our time, but like the dinosaurs that failed to adapt as the ice
age covered the globe, many companies’ marketing strategies now
resemble bewildered cave men soon to be run over on the
information highway.
Ten Campaigns that Went Really Viral
Viral is one of those buzzwords on
communicators’ lips these days… Eastline Marketing
involved in two of the 10 most viral campaigns of 2011!
Five ‘Young World Tech Innovators to Watch
Over the
last few years, it’s become routine to note that Silicon Valley
is more a state of mind than a geographic location…
Missing Z Mystery Revealed
mysterious campaign launched mid-April by creative agency
Nineteen84 for restaurant chain Zaatar w Zeit finally came to a
Beirut Online
digital revolution is shaking communication to the core. Where
does Lebanon Stand?
Marketing Through Online Social Networks
network marketing is the electronic equivalent of grass-roots
marketing: Marketing where people live and work, and on a
personal level.
Eastline Marketing organise un concours en ligne pour Huggies
L’agence en ligne Eastline Marketing a organisé pour la marque de couches Huggies, propriété du groupe Kimberly Clark et distribué au Liban par Obegi, une campagne Internet tournant autour d’un concours de photos de mères faisant un hug à leur enfant…
Eastline’s Digital Strategy for Canadian Website Awarded
Love Letters to the Future, produced by
Canada-based firm Xenophile Media, and whose digital strategy
was developed by Beirut-based online agency Eastline Marketing,
won two gongs at the 14th edition of the Webby Awards,
established in 1996 to honor excellence on the Internet.
Eastline Marketing récompensée par les Webby Awards
Le site, produit par la compagnie
canadienne Xenophile Media et dont la stratégie en ligne a été
conçue par l’agence libanaise Eastline Marketing, a obtenu le
prix du meilleur site vert de l’année aux 14es Webby Awards. La
communauté web l’a également récompensé dans la même catégorie,
en lui accordant le Webby People’s Voice Award.
Le Marathon court… sur Internet
Pas de
doute, le Marathon de Beyrouth est l’un des plus grands
évènements sportifs du pays. Notre époque étant celle de
l’ère digitale, il est essentiel de le promouvoir en
ligne… Eastline Marketing répond à cet appel.
Le Marathon de Beyrouth Investit dans la Stratégie en Ligne
Pour son édition 2009, le Marathon de
Beyrouth a innové en investissant dans une stratégie média en
ligne complète, pensée et organisée avec Eastline Marketing, une
agence média spécialisée dans la communication Internet.
Eastline Marketing a développé pour l’Association du marathon de
La Pub en Ligne en Phase de Décollage au Liban
nouvelle : la publicité en ligne explose au Moyen-Orient. À
Dubaï, “hub” régional, mais aussi depuis peu en Arabie saoudite.
Mauvaise nouvelle : le Liban est toujours à la traîne. Haut
débit en rade, immaturité des annonceurs, modèle économique des
sites en question… Pourtant, le Web libanais s’agite, preuve
qu’il est enfin en phase de décollage.