Un ménage à trois qui porte ses fruits

On est bien d’accord que le ménage à trois (ou plus) suscite généralement interrogations et indignations, du moins au Liban. Néanmoins, au sein de ce débat sans fin, il existe des dynamiques ‘poly’ qui s’avèrent être des success stories. C’est le cas notamment de la collaboration fructueuse entre Eastline Digital, vit-e et MV Santé Vision.

MV Santé Vision est leader dans la correction des troubles de la vision en Suisse Romande, avec à son actif plus de 20,000 yeux opérés ces 10 dernières années, une équipe de chirurgiens ophtalmologues expérimentés, et un matériel à la pointe de la technologie et en exclusivité dans la région.

Basée à Beyrouth depuis 2006, Eastline Digital est la première agence indépendante fondée au Liban dédiée au marketing digital, et une des pionnières dans les régions du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord. L’agence est lauréate de plus de 42 prix locaux et internationaux, et compte dans son portfolio plus de 550 clients dans 32 pays.



vit-e branding & digital crée et redynamise les marques grâce aux pouvoirs de la pensée conceptuelle et de la communication visuelle créative, de solutions sur mesure, d’une expérience client hors pair, de la perspective adaptée aux besoins de chaque projet et de la contextualisation. Fondée à Beyrouth en 2000, vit-e compte déjà à son actif plus de 500 clients à travers 27 pays, dont des multinationales, des institutions et des entreprises.

Pour MV Santé Vision, Eastline Digital s’occupa de mettre en place une stratégie de communication digitale holistique laquelle se révéla être un ajout capital aux dispositifs de communication de cette entreprise. Eastline assura – et continue de le faire – à MV Santé Vision une visibilité digitale optimale, en offrant des services innovants de création de contenu, de promotion, de sensibilisation, d’information, d’interaction contextualisée, d’engagement et de conversion.



Quant à vit-e, celle-ci s’occupa de la stratégie et de l’identité de marque de MV Santé Vision, de la conception de supports marketing imprimés, de l’UX Design – Expérience Utilisateur – et l’UI Design – Interface Utilisateur – du site-web, ainsi que du design de stands d’exposition polyvalents.



Grâce à un dialogue en mode continu entre ces trois entités, à la diversité des talents et à une expertise pointue, les plateformes et espaces créés pour MV Santé Vision offrent une expérience se démarquant de la masse, puisque celle-ci est le fruit de l’interculturalité et de la recherche de l’unité dans la diversité des solutions au-delà de visions limitées du possible. La relation MV Santé Vision/Eastline Digital/vit-e comporte un engagement consistant à déterminer au quotidien des objectifs mutuels, à se partager les responsabilités, les ressources et les récompenses, à oeuvrer ensemble à concrétiser une perspective commune, et à intégrer trois enjeux que les marketers et communicants se doivent de relever: la vision stratégique, le savoir-être digital et la production d’un contenu toujours plus créatif en misant sur trois valeurs essentielles – la proximité, la spontanéité et l’authenticité.

De Beyrouth, Eastline Digital au service du marché francophone du marketing digital

Basée à Beyrouth depuis 2006, Eastline Digital est la première agence indépendante fondée au Liban dédiée au marketing digital, et une des pionnières dans les régions du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord. L’agence est lauréate de plus de 42 prix locaux et internationaux, et compte dans son portfolio plus de 550 clients dans 32 pays, dont les pays francophones.

Un projet récent est celui de MV Santé Vision, leader de la chirurgie réfractive en Suisse Romande. Grâce à une stratégie de communication digitale développée sur mesure laquelle se révèle être progressivement un ajout capital aux dispositifs de communication de cette entreprise, Eastline Digital lui assure une visibilité digitale optimale, un ciblage plus pertinent du public romand, et lui offre des services innovants de promotion, de sensibilisation, d’information, d’interaction, d’engagement et de conversion.

Le marketing digital est en pleine expansion dans le monde francophone. Nombreuses sont les entreprises françaises, québécoises, belges, suisses et autres qui trouvent nécessaire et même obligatoire de mener des stratégies et des actions de marketing digital afin d’être compétitives sur le marché francophone. La langue française est notamment de rigueur et les lignes éditoriales s’adaptent aux tournures de phrases, accents et cultures de chaque milieu. En effet, pour MV Santé Vision, la création de contenu écrit requiert une localisation linguistique et culturelle pour chaque post sur les réseaux sociaux. Utiliser ’10/10′ au lieu de ’20/20′ et ‘santé de la vision’ au lieu de ‘santé visuelle’ ne sont que deux exemples parmi tant d’autres expressions à utiliser en contexte romand.

Eastline Digital œuvre dans ce sens, en offrant des services professionnels, complets, éthiques, innovants, rentables et de qualité exceptionnelle en français contextualisé dans les domaines du marketing des médias sociaux, du référencement payant (SEA), de l’optimisation des moteurs de recherche, de la publicité en ligne et du marketing d’influence (e-PR). En outre, Eastline Digital assure une compréhension holistique de chaque marque, de l’industrie ciblée et de la concurrence en son sein.

Grâce à cette compréhension, à une expérience solide, à la diversité des talents et à une expertise pointue, Eastline Digital crée des espaces de communication et d’action-réponse mesurables favorisant l’engagement, le dialogue, la conversion et la fidélité, et aide ainsi les marques à se démarquer de la masse, à devenir des pôles de référence dans un environnement numérique en évolution continue, et à atteindre les objectifs commerciaux requis.

L’entreprise ou l’organisation qui survit est celle dont l’offre est à la hauteur des promesses publicitaires, et qui sait mettre en avant ses produits, services et compétences grâce à un partenariat fiable avec une agence capable de contribuer à la valorisation de son image de marque et à sa pérennité, ainsi qu’à la satisfaction de ses clients. Un des objectifs majeurs d’EastlineDigital est notamment d’adopter et d’adapter une stratégie marketing centrée sur le client/consommateur et focalisée sur les segments clients à forte valeur ajoutée, vu qu’actuellement, l’avis subjectif du client/consommateur sur un produit ou un service, l’identification des opportunités de croissance et le retour sur investissement positif comptent autant – si ce n’est plus – que les caractéristiques intrinsèques liées au produit/service.

L’entreprise ou l’organisation qui n’est pas centrée sur le client/consommateur court le risque de voir celui-ci rejoindre des concurrents offrant des produits/services similaires et de meilleures expériences d’achat. De là l’importance de créer une expérience unique pour le client/consommateur et d’opter pour le partenaire expert en marketing digital qui contribue à la proposer. Il n’est pas rare de voir des entreprises s’occuper elles-mêmes de la communication digitale, mais beaucoup n’ont ni les connaissances, ni le temps ou l’expérience nécessaires pour définir une stratégie adéquate, choisir les bons supports et mettre en oeuvre les moyens d’atteindre leurs objectifs. Elles font donc appel à des agences spécialisées.

Faites le bon choix… Contactez Eastline Digital !

Can Social Media Affect Your SEO Ranking?

Despite the fact that search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo! don’t consider social media signals as a direct factor for website rankings, experience proves that social media is a powerful tool for leveraging your SEO if used with common sense and best practices.

So how can you improve your SEO ranking through your social media presence?

Create quality content that can go viral

Having a high-quality post linking to your website on Facebook or Twitter that generates engagement and social sharing by influencers and content creators, can contribute to increased visibility on search engines as this will speed up your content’s indexation. Apart from that, social sharing leads to longer content life, something that search engines simply love.

Keywords, keywords, keywords

Make your content keyword-centric and ensure a dual content strategy between your social media posts and your website’s pages; but don’t overdo it. It’s crucial that your content remains as human as possible, making it sound natural and organic.

Social media profiles rank high in search

Your social profiles definitely influence the content of your search results and they are often amongst the top results in search listings for brand names. Therefore, make sure you own the names on the top channels, but most importantly, let them be active.

Make some room for Google+

Google+ is a social media platform too – often forgotten by marketers. It goes without saying that search engine rankings, or Google rankings to be exact, are directly affect by your Google+ activity, so make sure you populate your Google+ profile with proper content.

Curate on user-generated content

Encourage your fans and followers to share their opinion by commenting and submitting reviews and testimonials. Not only will this help you better understand their needs, it can also give you a better insight on the type of words they use in order to tweak your content’s keywords. Not to forget, the more your brand is mentioned, the higher your chances are in increasing your visibility on search engines.

To sum it up, while social media does not have a direct impact on SEO, it is something that should not be neglected. Just think about the positive effects that increased traffic from social can potentially have on your search rankings. Social media and SEO are more powerful when used together, so why miss the chance to leverage your efforts?

Keeping Up With the Times

It is no big surprise that the internet is now the fastest growing media for advertising. Everyone saw this coming. On the other hand, traditional media such as TV, radio and print, are seeing a downtown in their use, and thus revenues.

As with every change in life, one needs to learn to adapt to be able to continue growing. Those traditional media companies who were reluctant to change, have been left grasping for air, while the companies that actually began integrating Digital Media early on are seeing many positive changes.  After all, the existence of one media platform does not signify the eradication of another media platform. All platforms should always be kept in mind for those owners of said traditional media houses, also keeping in mind what the best way to approach any given consumer/client with whatever product or service one is promoting.

Looking into recent statistics, the one real risk that traditional media houses run now is to become extinct if they do not learn to adapt (even so slightly) to these changes, and to adapt quickly. Some aren’t adapting to them or haven’t yet because they didn’t see it coming, or they did see it coming but didn’t do anything about it, or they just simply don’t know where to start and what to do.

The rise of Social Media is the biggest shift in the Industrial revolution thus far but at the end of the day, it should be the consumer that drives the companies to make certain changes, especially when it comes to Social and Digital Media. As long as all media companies never lose sight of the consumer, what they want, and delivering that to them in an effective way, then they will always be ready to deal with any changes in media.

Flash Sites SEO

In the last couple of years, small to medium local and regional businesses have increasingly opted for a Flash corporate site as it offers numerous communicational benefits such as high interactivity, enhanced user experience, which in turn leverages the brand positioning.

However, crawler based search engines still prefer html versus images, flash, and other scripts. For that matter, Search Engine Optimization experts agree that Flash’s major marketing disadvantage is in attaining greater visibility in Search Engine rankings in order to increase the number of visitors to the site.

Eastline Marketing’s SEO experts values the importance of search engine rankings, and, choosing the best methods on achieving positioning has recently been a priority to respond to abundant Flash Optimization requests.

After conducting several testing methods and finally gathering positive results, Eastline Marketing is now offering Search Engine Optimization for Flash sites so you can keep your website’s high user experience without sacrificing your ranking.

Using a combination of safe onsite and offsite optimization techniques, it’s now possible to optimize your flash website for better search engine visibility without having to edit any of your flash source files.

Optimize your flash site today! Contact us for more details.

Online VS Offline Advertising

According to Majestic Research, the average fee for an online marketer is 54¢ per click on Google Ads, as opposed to $1000 per column inch on the New York Times magazine, as stated in their rate card.

There is an endless ocean of opportunities beyond what your budget figures dictate. In case you’re spending on both, traditional and online marketing, how will you know which format brings you more? The trick lies in finding common ground to try on both marketing formats.

Print marketing prices are based on the circulation size of the publication and the amount of space you’re buying. While with the broadcast format (radio/TV) the prices are based on the audience estimates and the duration/time length of the advertisement at hand.

Google Ads are pay-per-click, which means you pay every time someone clicks on your Ad. Another method would be buying CPM or Cost per Milli-impression (1 thousand impressions), meaning you’ll be charged every time your ad is shown. CPM is more popular among online magazines since it relates to their traditional advertising format in print, where the price is decided by the size, space, and exposure.

Both models seem very different but their results could be compared through the response rate.

At the end, the main goal is the sales increase and the ad’s effect. No matter the source of the advertisement, the focal point will be the ‘customer acquisition cost.’

That is why, one can compare various advertising outlets through their CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) as a common factor.

An example would be when you spend 54¢ per visitor in Google and your site’s sales is average then you have a conversion of 2%, which, in value, equals 1 visitor out of 50. This means your CPA from Google would be equal to $27.00.

This happens as opposed to a quarter page advertisement in the New York Times where $10,000 will get you an exposure volume of 2 million people, though the response rate from this exposure will be 1 out of every 5000, meaning it will be around 400 calls. The sales team will convert 25% of this into sales, which is 100 sales from the $10,000 fee.

Therefore, your CPA is $100, meaning your New York Times ad is four times more expensive than your Google Ad.

Print is always more expensive, just as broadcast is more expensive than print, but this analysis between Google Ads and New York Times does not measure the power of brand awareness they could harness. There is a strong theory that suggests that brand awareness could not be developed or enhanced through online marketing, unlike TV advertising where everything is about brand awareness and empowerment.

The psychology of the customer plays a role in both formats as the traditional ads hit the viewers/customers while doing something out of focus (watching TV, listening to radio, driving on the street), while online ads hit the customer during searching for a certain product or service, therefore the ratio of spreading your ad is limited online, unlike the other media. This also applies to launching new products where people have to be aware of a product’s existence so to know what to look for a goal both formats have in common.

Comparing other parts of the process such as initial response rates would be a risky business as it makes the whole analysis vague, similar to comparing response rate to flyers on the streets to response rates for Google Ad clicks.

Another point of difference between the two formats is the nature of the interaction between the viewers/targets of the ad and the ad itself. Telephone marketing involves two people talking, with a caller, therefore able to curb rejection, work around it, and interact on the human level, through tone, voice, and language. On the other hand, online ads are uniform in figure and content that appears the same throughout the whole targeted region. That’s why a website’s content has to be catchy, persuasive and seductive, with the least interaction possible with the viewer.

The collection of comparison data requires a proper structure to monitor the source of every client that calls your phone, and the type of ad that led this person to become a potential client. Did he read your site link in a print ad? Or was that where he got the phone number from? To make the segregation process easier, create a URL address to be placed in the print ads specifically and a different phone number only listed on the site.

The bottom line of the whole process is not how you got the client to contact you as much as what the cost of acquiring this client was. By comparing all your advertising outlets, in most media formats, and using the Cost per Acquisition method, you will be able to put your finger on the outlet that yields the best results with the least expenses.

Eastline Marketing’s focus is online marketing in all aspects, from website integration and improvement to increased presence on search engines and directories. Though the traditional media may be a necessity for further exposure, no one can deny the ultimate influence and power that the internet wields in our daily life, and that is the art that we have mastered.

The 17 Rules of Social Media Optimization

Social Media OptimizationImage courtesy of theconversationprism.com

By definition, Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the process of optimizing social media marketing activities in order to attract traffic to a specific web presence.

Much like Search Engine Optimization, SMO activities can be split into two method sets:

Onsite SMO is the process of making a web presence, or website, socially enabled. This is achieved by using a combination of sharing tools and standards such as RSS feeds, sharing buttons, links to social profiles and pages… Onsite SMO ensures total integration between the website and major social networks.

Offsite SMO is the process of engaging in promotional practices with the aim of attracting social traffic back to the website. Offsite SMO can range from social media bookmarking to blog and forum engagements. A traffic-generating viral Facebook status update is an example of offsite SMO.

Social Media Optimization practices have been used since the inception and proliferation of social communities. In 2006, members of the digital marketing community collaborated on 17 rules for “social media optimization”. Although the tools have evolved and changed, the fundamental behaviors are still valid.

Here are the 17 rules of Social Media Optimization:

1. Increase your linkability
2. Make tagging and bookmarking easy
3. Reward inbound links
4. Help your content travel
5. Encourage the mashup
6. Be a user resource, even if it doesn’t help you
7. Reward helpful and valuable users
8. Participate
9. Know how to target your audience
10. Create content
11. Be real
12. Don’t forget your roots, be humble
13. Don’t be afraid to try new things, stay fresh
14. Develop a SMO strategy
15. Choose your SMO tactics wisely
16. Make SMO part of your process and best practices
17. Don’t be afraid to let go of a message or idea and let others own it

10 Critical SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Launching an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) campaign is not that hard a task these days, but avoiding the common mistakes and misconceptions involved in the process of developing a campaign is a tricky trap that could be avoided through the guidelines mentioned below.

Nothing is perfect, and the same applies to SEO campaigns, therefore no one can be 100% sure of the perfect keyword or phrase that has to be used at the right moment as a target.

Some of the mistakes could be totally avoided when specified and realized in advance and others could be corrected, therefore, their damage to the campaign minimized.

1. Underestimating the Efforts/Energy Involved in an SEO Process

Optimizing a website is not a one-round adventure or project. The more time and effort put into the project, the higher the success prospects and the probability the site gets to maintain its exposure figures, as regular updates and adjustments are done to the site keep the clients and those interested hooked to the site.

2. Addiction to Multi-Tactics

Taking things at their pace with an SEO campaign is the best road to a successful one. Trying too many tactics at the same time will diffuse any solid result to be felt through using any one strategy on its own, and therefore a vague result will be the product of any SEO campaign based on multi-tactics.

3. Locked in a Box

Sometimes the corporate interest of any company takes over the simplest elements in an SEO campaign: the title. The title is one of the most effective spaces on a webpage. The power in the title tag is significant enough to either draw a potential customer deeper into the site or repel them through the unnecessary placement of the company’s name/brand in it. If the name overshadows the main listing on a search engine, then the ranking is definitely not at its best, which is more of a priority than the corporate name.

4. Blind Faith in the SEO Specialists

While there are guidelines to any missions/tasks undertaken by a firm when it handles a client, there is a limit to how much is expected out of this venture, all depending on the circumstances, the skills involved and where the influence of these skills extends. SEO professionals should be given all the space needed to flex their skills in all directions, marketing initiatives, PR efforts, design, writing… But overloading them will strain on a certain aspect of the process.

5. Choosing the Wrong Keywords

No building could stay erect without supporting pillars from the inside, and the same applies to websites. Websites with issues are those with little content in them and even fewer links. First step should be about bulking up the content through more keywords to elevate the main ones. Proper ranking could hardly happen depending on the other aspects if the content and its architecture are not highlighted.

6. The Link Vs. the Brochure

A decade and so into this field and most sites are still played out as plain brochures, with minimal interaction/attraction. Building a healthy structure of links is not easy but it is the right path to avoid having a boring website acting as a simple brochure or a plate of data. The link strategy should have its roots in the content, any demos, guides, videos, tools, samples, interactive use of a product that could interest a visitor will definitely move him to the potential client category.

7. Sharing is Succeeding

Avoid singular work modes and use all data that could be found with your colleagues. The goal is shared by all and working solo in separate cells will not enforce the task in any positive manner. Use the group input and discussions to enhance any ideas, new tactics, innovative elements, and use of new elements to come closer to the achieving the task.

8. Beyond Returns on Investment (ROI)

The success of a search engine specialist lies in the management of keywords and achieving the most exposure/attraction for a website through them. The traffic is the scale to measure success and any savvy businessman should understand their value and help enforce them through nurturing an ROI strategy into maturation. Check the website, is it effective? Are the colors proper and befitting? Is the right text in the right location? Is the navigation smooth or too crammed? Does it look like a top-notch operation? Include a phone number and contact info properly and do not fixate your website on one color or image…

9. Rankings: The Awful Truth

his is a fertile field for committing mistakes. Do the polls show that you’re #3 on Google? Don’t pop the champagne just yet, because do you know what search term you targeted? Check the traffic and its equivalence. Rankings are awesome if they build up a flow of traffic into your site to be converted into profit.

And what if 2 pages rank differently for the same search term? Does the one at #6 appeal more than the one at #16? Which one would you work on enhancing?

Three Points to Follow:

  • What webpage of the site has more conversion material?
  • Which webpage do you think has the potential to move up higher in ranking?
  • Which webpage would you think can serve another search term even better?

10. Limited Content Crimes

It is never wise to think that you’ll be able to get things working with little content. It is NOT going to work. While you might think you’re simplifying the process for the visitor, you are not. Do not fear endangering the usability of a page, instead, add useful content besides data, more links, summaries of bigger articles on the site that might save the visitor’s time and keep him/her interested. FAQ sections and testimonials give the site a further interactive depth that makes the reader feel as if the owners of this site or company have an idea of what he/she is thinking. According to the type of product, allow downloads, and samples to further drive the visitor’s interest.

SEO campaigning is a wide field of great potential for marketing, profit, and exposure. But it’s also a minefield ripe with traps and small loopholes that could hinder the final result. Your site’s potential could be increased and used to the maximal levels if properly handled using SEO as one of the main keys.

Eastline Marketing has a long record of highly successful SEO campaigns that have not only expanded its clients’ business, traffic, and internet exposure, but also elevated the firm’s reputation among the top firms making it a sure win for any client/firm that decides to employ our skills.

Source: Click here