Optimizing Facebook Pages for Facebook Search Graph

Facebook Search GraphFacebook Graph Search is here. Is your page ready for it? To make sure that you benefit from it, you need to check the following:

1. Your Category and About Section

Choose your category carefully as this could make it or break it for you and make sure that you fill your “About” section thoroughly with relevant keywords.

2. Claim your Place and Encourage Check-ins

If you do not claim a Place as your own, check-ins will not be useful. When someone attempts to check into your business, Facebook will display you Page if it’s set up as a Place.If you have a Place Page, you want to push for people to check-in. Although the number of check-ins does not always guarantee a better ranking of search results,you will come up in searches when people filter by their friends if many of them check-in at your place.

3. Encourage Tagging and Liking of Photos

People can search and filter photos of friends they like. They may see a photo of their friend at your location or tagged by your Page. All of this activity helps your Page and your business to remain in people’s minds more often.

Facebook Graph Search will continue to evolve as it goes through beta, but you can start encouraging interactions such as check-ins and tagging to help your Page show up more prominently as people search. Remember that it’s still important to post regularly, produce content that initiates high engagement levels, focus on keyword-rich status updates and connect with people through the news feed, since not everyone will use Graph Search.

Une application mobile en 48 heures chrono


… Certains compétiteurs avaient déjà participé à des événements antérieurs organisés par Touch ou Altcity. D’autres comme l’équipe de Lakta (offres de promotions en ligne de boutiques) composée de Majed Traboulsi, 27 ans, et Mohammad el-Amine, 23 ans, s’est décidée à participer la veille du Hackaton. Tous deux sont développeurs à Eastline [Marketing], une agence de marketing online. « Ce Hackaton est le meilleur moyen d’apprendre et de parler de notre application à des personnes-clés », témoigne Majed Traboulsi…

What is Vine?

VineVine is a separate iOS app from Twitter that lets users create short, 6-second videos that run on a loop (which could be irritating for some) and that can be shared on Vine itself, Twitter or even Facebook.Its aim is to become for video what text is to twitter.

There is a lot of content on Twitter even though it is brief but it will just get better with Vine. As a trusted and massive brand, with an instant huge user base, Twitter is guaranteed to make this new app more appealing to more new users. When Instagram ceased Twitter Cards integration, disregarding the capacity to embed Instagram photos right into the stream, Twitter’s visual appeal decreased. Although Twitter may have Photos feature, with filters, but it’s nothing compared to Instagram’s level of engagement. Instead of fighting Instagram on the photo arena, Twitter went a step ahead by working on the natural transition that will be video.

Vine will not replace any existing apps online it’s more of a new form of media — a self-made video rather than another filtered photo.

For marketers this is yet another opportunity to get their message across by creating brand relevant content. We can only think of the numerous ways they could use it.

One major downside to Vine is that there is no Android app for the time being and another concern will be the quality of content that will be posted and shared.

Have you tried it already?

Les médias sociaux, nouvel eldorado des entreprises ?

orient-le-jour-march-2013L’explosion des réseaux sociaux suscite la convoitise des entreprises qui y voient une plateforme idéale pour véhiculer leurs messages… « Le pays est longtemps resté à la traîne, d’autant plus que les connexions étaient très lentes et que les entreprises ne prenaient pas l’Internet au sérieux. Puis les choses ont progressé », confirment à L’Orient-Le Jour Nemr Nicolas Badine et Marc Dfouni, cofondateurs de la compagnie de conseil en marketing numérique, Eastline Marketing…

The Social Media Awards – Beirut – First Edition

Recently, social media in Lebanon has witnessed a noticeable growth. There are more and more people on all the social media networks to the extent that it makes it a must for diverse entities like NGOs, companies and celebrities to have an established presence.

The Online Collaborative took the initiative to organize an event, Beirut Social Media Awards,  during which the best users of social media will be rewarded. Acknowledgement is always a good thing knowing that it takes a lot of work to be successful on the various social media networks.

There are 33 different categories that will be awarded ranging from bloggers, media personalities, artists to various types of businesses, NGOs and social media campaigns. We hope that there will be no confusions here: could there be nominations in different categories for example and people winning 2 prizes?

The selection process will include a panel of judges who will be narrowing down the nominations to 7 and then the voting will be open for the community to select the winners for each category.

We hope that the nominations will be fair and honest as well as the voting and may the best be awarded!

Who will you be nominating?

The New Facebook API: Graph Search

The new Facebook API: Graph SearchUsers of Facebook will soon have a new search tool at their disposal: Graph Search feature will let those on Facebook go through photos, people, places, and business pages. You will be soon able to ask questions like: “What are the sushi restaurants that my friends like in Kaslik?”

Apparently, what people search for the most on Facebook are people, brands and business pages. Graph Search is different in the sense that it improves results by putting together diverse elements.

After the Facebook’s statement that it would make it easier to source for data and photos, worries were raised concerning privacy. The company made sure to address those worries, saying that Graph Search will respect privacy settings. People won’t be able to look for those who have blocked them; they will be able to look up information and photos that have been shared with them.

Zuckerberg wants people to use Facebook in order to discover places where they could go eat, or things that they could go do and have been working in-house on this API for the last couple of years. It is now available for some English speaking users in beta version.

For him, this new feature will form the “Third Pillar” of the ecosystem, after the being able to see what’s going around in the News Feed and what’s going on in ones’ life on the Timeline.

Some people have raised other concerns. Graph Search could be used for less noble reasons. For example one could look up: “People who like child pornography” and do whatever with this information.

How will you be using Graph Search when it goes public?

Entrepreneurs of the Week: Marc Dfouni and Nemr Badine from Eastline Marketing

wamdaMore than 15 years after starting up Eastline Marketing, a digital media agency based in Beirut, today’s Entrepreneurs of the Week, co-founders Marc Dfouni and Nemr Badine, share the most important lessons and insights they’ve acquired throughout the years…